Meet the Team
Get to know more about the Authentically You team!
Our Team
Hello! Below you will find out about each of us. If after reading out bios, you're still unsure who you feel could fit you best, please email us!
Interpersonal Growth & Spiritual Coaching
Life is one of many roads. There are flat roads and then there are hills that can turn into mountains. Every so often we find ourselves in the desert, yet no matter where one is, there is always an answer. I take a holistic approach that brings clarity, direction, and positive support in each moment. Clients will learn ways to fill the gap between where they are now and where they want to be. Identifying where growth is desired, clients will learn how to set goals while experiencing accountability and support to gain confidence and reach desired dreams.
The shifting that naturally occurs throughout different life stages can leave one feeling lost, confused, or conflicted. If you are feeling disconnected with the people around you, a lack of motivation, lack of understanding of true purpose, or you want to create positive change and take your life to the next level let's work together. I am committed to helping my clients find themselves, find direction, and peace in life. Everyone has the potential to live into the dreams that come from deep within the heart. You have the qualities needed within to make change happen. We will access and utilize these qualities so that you can live life to the full.
"Learn to love others intelligently rather than demand their affirmation and adoration." ― David A. Powlison, Speaking Truth in Love: Counsel in Community.


Transformational Emotional Coaching & Consultation
My early life tends to be somewhat of a surprise to people when I share it with them. My mother was an addict. Her decisions and personal struggles impacted my life in a variety of ways, including but not limited to physical and emotional abuse, and homelessness. My childhood with her guided me to being a professional in the mental health field, as well as giving me the opportunity to learn that through painful moments we can find and - define - our purpose.
Fast forward to today: you’ll find me spending time with family, friends, and pets, in a house that stands for everything I wished for as a child and teenager. My current self could not be who she is without the pain and challenges she faced all those years ago. As a life coach, I believe that our past has value. I firmly believe that true improvement in life requires a holistic coaching framework. My coaching style emphasizes a holistic approach, encouraging balance within the mind, body, and spirit, as well as working on healing and working with our inner past-self. Whatever your background is - finding what brings balance within these three domains of your life will lead to happiness and success. Let’s work together to find what it is that lights your soul on fire.
Life Transition Coaching
I have found over the course of doing many years of therapeutic work, I love transitions. While many others, during working with me have choice words for those moments in their lives, transitions are this wonderful moment of opportunity. I greatly enjoy helping clients find their best during moments where stress, negativity and emotional disconnect 'usually' take over. My focus is to help you see where things can get dicey, collaborate in order for you to feel empowered, flexible and prepared for success and implement strategies for adaption and achievement.
Transitions come in all forms and time frames, individually, as a couple, as a family and as a career or environment change. I walked the walk with my husband who transitioned from being a single man enlisted in the AF to being a family living the civilian life and learning how to co-exist with at times, very different mentalities while approaching parenthood. Transitions provide so many opportunities - let us see what yours can do!